The 3 Must-Have Campaign Workflows for Every Marketing Team
The 3 Must-Have Campaign Workflows for Every Marketing Team
  • On-demand
  • 60 Minutes

Let’s talk workflows. Workflows are designed to guide your customers through different milestones of their lifecycle – from the initial touchpoint, to learning more about your products or services, to becoming loyal customers and fans.

In this webinar, we break down the three most-essential campaign workflows that every marketing team should have.

You’ll come away with:

  • Illustrative and inspirational examples of Welcome/Onboarding, Abandonment, and Conversion campaign workflows
  • Best practices and sage advice for crafting workflows that best fit your unique customer base
  • Steps you can take to solidify and enhance the workflows you currently have in flight

Example Workflows: Download PDF >






Tasmin Singh

Manager, Customer Success

Amalia Beckmann

Strategic Customer Success Manager
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