Getting Fit with Martech: How Iterable Helps The Body Coach Build Customer Loyalty
Getting Fit with Martech: How Iterable Helps The Body Coach Build Customer Loyalty
  • On-demand
  • 30 Minutes
How The Body Coach, whose online workouts during the pandemic reached huge audiences, builds customer loyalty with increased personalisation.

In recent years, subscriptions have become more popular and customers are enjoying the convenience they offer.

With the rising cost of living, customers have to be selective and choose the ones they want to use and, in the highly competitive fitness industry, building and maintaining customer loyalty is critical for success.

In this webinar, Saagar Bains and Alicia Gillard from The Body Coach and Murray Wright from Iterable discuss how the fitness app, whose online workouts during the pandemic reached huge audiences, builds customer loyalty with increased personalisation.

You will learn:

  • How The Body Coach enhance customer loyalty and drive long-term growth
  • The role of personalisation in fostering customer loyalty
  • How The Body Coach is using Martech to create engaging and effective customer experiences



Alicia Gillard

Product Marketing Manager
The Body Coach

Murray Wright

Senior Manager, Customer Success

Saagar Bains

Head of Product
The Body Coach
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