Fact, Fiction or Banana? The Growth Marketing Game Show
Fact, Fiction or Banana? The Growth Marketing Game Show
  • On-demand
  • 66 Minutes

Cue the cheesy theme music: Introducing Iterable’s first-ever game show webinar! You’re the contestant in this interactive session that takes aim at widely held beliefs and best practices for the email and mobile channels.

Here’s how it works—our host will make a statement and it’s up to you to determine:

  • Is it a best practice? FACT!
  • A marketing myth? FICTION!
  • A concept that’s debatable… or about America’s favorite yellow fruit? BANANA!

Our panel of experts make the final judgment on the correct response while you play along and compare your answers to fellow participants.

Don’t be fooled—our challenge is tougher than it seems! This is one session you’ll definitely want to catch in real time.



Jen Capstraw

Director of Strategic Insights and Evangelism

Nick Schafer

Deliverability Engineer

Kim Weisensee Brown

Centrally Human
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