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About Rocksbox

Rocksbox is a “try-before-you-buy” jewelry membership service that is transforming the way women discover and buy jewelry. Rent three pieces of jewelry at a time—wear what you like, buy what you love!

Samantha's Bio

Samantha is a Sr. Marketing Manager at Rocksbox, a jewelry membership service. She has many years of email marketing experience and has recently expanded her role to include acquisition and paid marketing.

Fun Facts

I play three musical instruments: Piano, Tenor Saxophone, Flute.
I once had an Instagram account showcasing my hand-drawn nail art and was once even featured in a magazine for it!
My dog’s name is also Sam— she was my husband’s dog before we met. Needless to say, it gets confusing at home sometimes! (She now goes by SamSam.)


When and how did you get your start in marketing? 

My dream growing up was to be a fashion designer. I made a last-minute pivot right before college applications were due to go to business school for fashion/beauty marketing. I’ve never looked back since. I love being a marketer as it still allows me to be creative.


What do you love about your role? 

With marketing, I love that there isn’t just one way to get to a solution. Because I have the opportunity to touch on different parts of the marketing strategy at Rocksbox, I get to help shape the entire lifecycle of a member—from acquisition to retention.


What is one piece of advice that you would give to a new Iterable user? 

Thoughtfully determine what information is necessary to pass over to Iterable. You don’t want to clutter Iterable with extra profile information that isn’t useful. Also, be as clear and concise as possible when naming your event triggers/profile user fields.


What do you like most about using Iterable?

What I like most about Iterable is how easy it is to segment your email campaigns using the segmentation tool. As long as you’re able to pass relevant info to Iterable, the opportunities to personalize your campaigns are endless!


Besides Iterable, what are the other tools in your marketing toolkit? How are you leveraging them? 

Rocksbox uses Looker to house customer data which has been extremely helpful to be able to parse out any set of data points to understand our members better. Data is king—the more you know, the better you’re able to create a fully customized member experience.


What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Always be learning. Once you’re doing more teaching than learning, it’s time for you to find your next thing to learn.


What advice would you give your high school self? 

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Progress over perfection.