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About MVF

MVF’s customer generation platform helps ambitious businesses grow by delivering massive volumes of high-quality sales leads on a pay-per-lead basis. MVF’s focus on proprietary technology and multi-channel marketing expertise allows clients an unparalleled reach into new markets and channels, delivering engaged customers in real time to fuel sustainable growth for some of the world’s most ambitious businesses.


In 2013, MVF was named the fastest growing U.K. tech company by the Sunday Times and has since grown 7 times to employ over 500 tech and marketing specialists across the U.K. and U.S. They were also awarded Number 1 in the Sunday Times Best Company List for 2020.

Matthew's Bio

Matthew has worked his way through the CRM ranks at MVF and now heads up a team of 14 amazing people across Email, SMS and Web Push channels (with more to come this year) who aim to improve our transactional user journeys while optimising the lifetime value of our customers to MVF, its brands and our clients. He also likes to play golf, badly.

Fun Facts

Favourite album: "Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not" - Arctic Monkeys. Their first and best.
Favourite sports team: Philadelphia Eagles—I’m an NFL convert!
Favourite film: Pulp Fiction or any other Tarantino for that matter.


When and how did you get your start in marketing? 

I joined MVF in 2014 after university and working for a year in procurement and business support for Serco. An absolute blessing to move into marketing at the right company, but the real kick-starter was realising I could align marketing with my strengths in data and analysis!


What do you love about your role? 

I get to work with and learn from amazingly smart people who are innovative, autonomous and driven to succeed, especially within my team.


What’s a mistake you’ve made at work, and how did you deal with it?

Plenty! People management mistakes are always the ones that hurt the most as it affects more than just the profitability of the company. I just try to ask what I could have done better and make sure I listen and act on the answers in the future.


What do you like most about using Iterable?

I love the continual growth of product innovation and integration with other partners—gives us space to grow in the future.


How do you plan to leverage Iterable in the future?

As our workflows become more complex, we would love to utilise dynamic snippets to create the entirety of our content, with the decisions as to which snippet to be used made using automated logic from our internal MVF data.


Besides Iterable, what are the other tools in your marketing toolkit? How are you leveraging them?

Many! In CRM we use SparkPost for email sending, Twilio for SMS and Kickbox for email validation, amongst others.


What advice would you give your high school self? 

Don’t worry about not knowing what you are going to do in the future—invest time in learning many things, and you’ll work it out. Also, do Maths, not Economics, at University.


What is one goal you’d like to achieve in your lifetime?

At some point, I would like to be applying my skills towards the climate emergency and making a significant difference to it.