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About Asana

Asana’s mission is to help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly.

Elaine 's Bio

Elaine is a community-focused and mission driven lifecycle marketing leader with over a decade of digital marketing experience. She has extensive experience developing the strategy, tools, and content to get in front of the right customers with the right message through the right channels at the right time.


Elaine has worked with and for tech companies, like Google, HP, SAP, Evernote and Asana and non-profits, like Hack the Hood, IgnitED, Cooking Matters, and currently serves on the Board of Directors for Hospitality House in San Francisco.

Fun Facts

I’ve traveled to every continent except for Antarctica.
I’ve hiked through Patagonia and Machu Picchu.
I had the opportunity to take a sabbatical last year and spent it in service to others, volunteering and working with youth as an outdoor educator.


When and how did you get your start in marketing? 

Growing up, I was always fascinated by people and their interactions with the world (and what influenced people to do certain things). Soon after graduating from college, I was lucky to land at a boutique marketing agency where I got to develop and execute marketing strategies and study how different messages, channels and timing could influence how people interacted with our clients and their products. I enjoyed learning something new every day, whether it was a new marketing technique or channel or about a problem and the technology to address — and soon realized that marketing was the perfect fit for a learner like me.


What does a typical day look like for you? 

Every day is different and the only thing—other than change—that is constant is that I am always learning something new. Most of my career was spent on the agency-side working with clients so it was learning a little about a lot of things. Now that I’m on the client-side, it’s nice to be able to go deep and focus on my craft. I love that I get to try new things, experiment and see longer-term data and results.


What do you love about your role? 

I get to work with a lot of really smart and humble people (on my team and across the org) who are all experts in their roles and are willing to share their expertise with me. Everyone brings so much value to the table, and it’s awesome to see how we can co-create together and learn from each other.


What does growth marketing mean to you? 

Growth marketing means the willingness to be wrong and learning and iterating as a result of it. It has taught me a lot about humility and finding delight in a surprise.


What is one piece of advice that you would give to a new Iterable user? 

Take advantage of the Iterable resources and support—from documentation to live chat support, it’s all so good! You’ll get a quicker grasp on the nuances of using Iterable and sometimes it prompts new ideas.


What do you like most about using Iterable?

The workflow function is really intuitive and easy to use. There’s a lot of cool segmentation and things you can do when you understand how the contact properties are defined.


How do you plan to leverage Iterable in the future?

I’m looking forward to getting more data into Iterable so that we can do a lot more with personalization and dynamic content.


What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?  

Be curious, live in wonder.


If you weren’t a marketer, what would you be? 

A teacher—it’s so satisfying to be part of someone’s journey in learning something new.