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About Scribd

Scribd is changing the way the world reads. Unlimited* audiobooks, ebooks, and magazines, available on any device.

Andrew 's Bio

Andrew is an experienced email marketer with “full stack” capability across channel and campaign strategy, data flows, segmentation, creative execution, and analytics. He’s a team lead with project management and communication skills that drive success working cross-functionally with marketing, product, and engineering teams to align data flows and marketing automation operations.

Fun Facts

I have a German passport and speak German, and hope to work in Berlin at some point in my career.
My dog Wesley is an 8-lb. chihuahua who loves cuddles and long walks on the beach.
Cooking is my favorite hobby, and I pride myself on my Detroit-style pan pizza.


When and how did you get your start in marketing? 

I took a “computer programming for English majors” course in college, and six years later a dental supplies company needed some HTML email templates built. The rest is history!


What do you love about your role? 

The great people I work with, of course!


What’s been the proudest moment in your career?

Building out a team for the first time. It’s incredible to see us all come together and collaborate in developing a growth and lifecycle notifications program that we can be proud of.


What is one piece of advice that you would give to a new Iterable user?

Don’t be shy about asking Iterable Support for support!


How do you plan to leverage Iterable in the future?

In 2020 2H, we’re planning to add push notifications to our channel mix, expand into translated, localized emails, and ramp up our lifecycle testing.


What marketing campaign are you most proud of?

In the first week of the George Floyd protests, we launched an email to our U.S. subscribers, “Sharing Black Voices,” which affirmed Scribd’s commitment to the Black Lives Matter movement and featured editorially-curated reading lists hosted on Scribd that highlight Black authors. That email send was a strong feeling for all of us who worked on it, and we hope to have added positively to the national conversation around the struggle for Black liberation and an end to white supremacy.


What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

A lot of great people mentored me early in my career, and when I thanked one of them, he told me to “pay it forward.” So I try to honor the gift of mentorship that I was given by supporting the career development of the people I work with.


If you weren’t a marketer, what would you be?

I’d love to run a small vegan cafe.


Campaign Portfolio

Shelter-in-Place “Read Free” Campaign


At the start of shelter-in-place, Scribd launched a “read free” promotion on our social channels.


The campaign went viral, and the email team scrambled to create a 16-email series in four weeks to onboard, engage, and convert these new users before their trial expired.


Engagement with these emails was associated with a 300% higher conversion rate.

"Read Free" Offer

At the start of the COVID pandemic, Scribd wanted to support the community by launching a “Read Free” offer on social media.  While Scribd typically requires a credit card to sign up for a 30-day free trial, they waived it for this offer.

The response was overwhelmingly positive and generated hundreds of thousands of sign-ups over the course of just a few days, a massive increase in what Scribd normally sees. 

The Challenge

While this campaign was wildly successful for Scribd, it presented a unique challenge for the team —converting these new users to paid subscribers.

 To keep the first of these users engaged during their free trial period, the email team had to play catch up and go from being behind to getting and staying ahead of them for the duration of their free trial. 

To address this challenge, Scribd retroactively implemented a series of workflows, including an onboarding flow, as shown in these emails, as well as workflows for engagement, conversion and post free trial expiration re-targeting.

Engagement with these emails was incredible and correlated to a 300% lift in conversion rate. 

Workflow Spotlight

These are the 5 workflows implemented in Iterable, they represent 16 new emails across 5 workflows created in less than 1 month. 

We couldn’t have done it before the migration to Iterable.