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Introducing the Cross-Channel Engagement Benchmark Report

If there’s one thing that always piques our curiosity, it’s comparing ourselves to our peers and the world around us.

And when it comes to our professional lives, that curiosity only heightens—which communication channels are marketers using today, and what results are they seeing? How are brands engaging customers throughout their buying journey? And just how truly “cross-channel” are we anyway?

We’re excited to finally answer all these critical questions (and more) in Iterable’s Cross-Channel Engagement Benchmark Report.

In this landmark study, we present valuable insights about the strategy, cadence and channel usage of pivotal campaigns across the customer lifecycle:

  • Welcome and onboarding
  • Promotions
  • Cart and browse abandonment
  • Re-engagement
  • Loyalty

Based on a survey delivered to 1,500+ contacts from over 200 Iterable clients in Q3 2018, this benchmark report is primarily representative of B2C engagement in North America.

These survey questions covered the cross-channel campaign strategies and tactics that are on every marketer’s mind—from how many messages to include in a welcome campaign to whether you should offer discounts for cart abandonment.

In addition to data-driven insights, we also share client case studies and expert commentary from our partners and customers to enable businesses to implement high-performing, cross-channel marketing campaigns.

Email geeks will especially appreciate the additional comments from Jen Capstraw, our Director of Strategic Insights and Evangelism and co-founder of Women of Email.

Jen Capstraw callout in benchmark report

Spoiler alert: Here’s the type of fun commentary you can expect from Jen.

Benchmark Report: Key Findings

  1. Marketers are more confident in their email programs than their mobile programs. 80% of respondents characterized their company’s email marketing program as “somewhat successful” to “highly successful.” This number, however, dropped to 49% when gauging the success of their mobile marketing efforts.
  2. Marketers are experimenting with other channels but email still reigns supreme. Across the lifecycle, marketers use a variety of channels as part of their customer engagement, but it’s clear that there’s much room for improvement. Email remains the primary channel for all campaigns, but we saw increased usage of in-app notifications for promotions and direct mail for cart & browse abandonment.
  3. Growth marketing best practices? It depends. From weekly message frequency to subscriber sunsetting, the “right” answer varies from business to business. However, our results demonstrated that multi-touch campaigns are the norm and campaign strategy depends on the level of subscriber engagement.

Download the report to learn the latest industry trends of cross-channel customer engagement—these are the numbers you have to see to believe.

Download the Iterable Cross-Channel Engagement Benchmark Report

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